Starting to plan fall protection in the project planning phase allows for a cheaper and safer solution. If you allow us to become involved in the project at an early stage, you will have a better chance of obtaining the best possible fall protection.
We have a large selection of fall protection because different situations require different solutions. We help you with an analysis of the situations where falls may occur and give you advice on what fall protection will be best for your particular project.
In general, it’s better to include the fall protection solutions in the project design at an early stage. SafetyRespect has products and solutions for all phases of the construction project and we know that solutions that are developed at an early stage and that can be used throughout the construction period will be best for all parties concerned.
During the planning phase, we produce documentation using CAD and BIM software. Clear documentation and simple instructions make it easier for all project participants. The assembly is easier and the right products are used in the right phase of the project.
1. Planning
As early as the project planning stage, we carry out a fall protection analysis in which we identify situations involving a risk of falling. We then work with you to plan solutions right from the drawing board.
2. Solutions
Based on the fall protection analysis, we develop the best design for solutions for your construction project, regardless of whether you require personal or collective fall protection. We also offer the training courses required in order to handle the protection.
3. Logistics
We solve the logistics and arrange transport so the right fall protection is delivered and returned at the right time throughout the construction process. We also offer a return service that is provided directly on the construction site.